Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

So I'm super disappointed that we didn't get any pictures of Thanksgiving. I had this huge plan to take pictures and then post them on our blog. Once I got the food ready and we ate, it just escaped us. So,this is what we ate. I cooked 2 turkeys(1 was compliments of our friend Brittany) both had a rosemary/basil marinade. We cooked Jerry's grandmother's famous stuffing. This is super good, it has pork sausage in it. Brittany's sister made a cornbread stuffing that was really great. It had a sweet taste to it. Then we had Jerry's yummy whipped potatoes. We had steamed veggies with a brown butter on them. I also made a home made cranberry relish. Then last but not least a pumpkin cake. We cooked for other medical students who were not going home for the Holiday. All in all I think we had 12 for dinner. I was surprisingly relaxed. If you know how I get when I'm cooking for a large group then you will all be shocked. I hope you all had a great Holiday! I know we did.

1 comment:

kim huish said...

Yum! That all sounds amazing!